Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Legend of Luke

Title: The Legend of Luke
Author: Brian Jacques
Genre: Fantasy
Reviewer: Kyle

Though this book it titled The Legend of Luke, the main characters at the beginning are Gonff the Mousethief (a mouse), Martin the Warrior (a mouse), Trimp the Rover (a hedgehog), and Dinny Foremole (obviously, a mole). The book starts with Trimp wandering and finding a partly built Redwall Abbey. There, she is welcomed in. She tells everyone that she is from the northlands. Martin then remembers that he was raised on the northland shores. He asks about it, and soon he is always in thought for days. Eventually, the rest of the creatures get worried, and allow him a journey to his homeland. Gonff and Dinny go with him on his quest. On his way there, he meets Log-a-Log Furmo, a shrew, and Krar the Woodwatcher, a goshawk. They travel to the northland shores, where Vurg, a mouse, and Beau, a hare, tell Martin the story of Luke, Martin’s father.

The second part was about Luke trying to get revenge on a stoat named Vilu Daskar, because his horde killed most of Luke’s tribe. Most of the story is about Luke riding a ship called the Sayna, named after his wife, to find Vilu.

I enjoyed reading this book because I just like to read stories that use swords, shields, bows and arrows, spears, and javelins for wars and fights.

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